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Tuesday, 2 September 2008


i was really tired with all d damn stuff i got to do this much s**t which can really make me went crazy...the drama my class presented to the audience on last friday is all about independence but myself still do not independent!!!i even did not know what's wrong with myself..
going to class is just make me bored this week..i don't know why but every single day passes with the same challenge at all...maybe that was what had made me bored in all those passing days..
i got an assignment for computer literacy that needed me to do it with a partner..the deadline is nextweek and i still procrastinating...actually it's not my intention to procrastinate but the situation i'm facing me had forced me to do is what i'm looking for so how could i procrastinate doing something that i love the most???maybe because of my bad mood for this month will ensure that i'll procrastinate each task i received...
as this is the fasting month i think that's of the reason why i'm procrastinating the tasks...some problem made myself become more miserable...assignments are the main problem..friends??some are okay and some aren't...myself???!!!yeah that's the cause of these problems...

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